Learning Quran for beginners is needed because it is the foundation upon which Muslims develop their religion and the ultimate guidance in all matters of life.
It includes the Islamic faith’s core doctrine as well as a code of ethics that covers a wide range of topics, including social principles, judicial and civil law, as well as health and development. All of these topics are related to the Quran’s overarching concept of Allah’s oneness.
Being a Muslim, its essential to learn Quran for the better understanding of Islam. There is no defined age to start learning the Quran as a beginner. However, In most Muslim families, Children aged 4-5 start learning Quran as a beginner.
The beginner level learning includes the ability to read the basic Arabic alphabets and Quranic verses.
Table of Contents
Learning Quran for Beginners
Allah bestows ten blessings on a Muslim who learns one letter of the Quran. As a result, the Quran serves as a Muslim’s path map and guide to paradise (Jannah). Learning Quran for kids at an early age instills in them the Islamic beliefs and doctrines.
Furthermore, if the Quran becomes a frequent companion in a Muslim’s everyday life, his faith is improved. Learning Quran for beginners – even though you are an adult – is surely achievable and not as daunting as it seems with extra effort and careful guidance.
The best App to memorize the Quran – Aya Institute
The virtue of Learning Quran for Beginners
The Quran is full of jewels that will help you succeed in life and have a variety of consequences on your personality and destiny. Ramadan is made even more remarkable by the revelation of the Quran during this month. So let us be grateful for Allah’s gift and use it to help us attain greater spiritual heights. Allah said in the Quran,
“A Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may receive admonition.”
The aim of the Quran, as mentioned in the above verse, is to bring blessings to an individual and to instill in the readers a spirit of monitoring.
As a result, if one does not learn the Quran regularly, he or she is losing out on an opportunity to be inspired to explore all that Allah has provided as well as all aspects of life.
As a result, to receive divine compensation, a Muslim must recite the Quran daily. The following are some virtues of the Quran.
- The Holy Quran contains the words of Allah Almighty and is a source of inspiration for all mankind. Learning Quran for beginners will help them to make the best choices and take the right direction in this life and the next. As Allah said,
“This is the Book that cannot be questioned, a guide for all who are aware of Allah.”
- Learning Quran for beginners results in many gifts and blessings from Allah. Muslims would receive significant benefits from reciting the Quran, particularly if they do so daily.
- On the Day of Judgment, the Quran will appear and seek justice on behalf of those who have learned and followed the Quran in their life.
- The Quran is a concise book that teaches us how to live our lives to the fullest. It isn’t about a collection of legal guidelines. It is a teacher who teaches us new things every time we visit. It helps our morality to rise and prosper in the same way as rain helps plants.
Steps for Learning Quran For Beginners
To learn any language in the world, you need to learn the basic alphabet or characters of that particular language.
We all know that Arabic is the language of the Quran. So, the very first step to start learning the Quran online is to learn the basic Arabic alphabet.
Learn Basic Arabic Alphabets
There are 28 basic Arabic alphabets. Every alphabet has a unique sound and character.
The most useful book to start learning the basic Arabic alphabets is the “ Noorani Qaida”. It’s like a prerequisite to start reading the Quran.
- Noorani Qaida includes the basic Arabic alphabets, Arabic words and sentences in a sequence of difficulty levels.
- These levels are divided into different chapters.
- Once you finish the Noorani Qaida, you can easily read Arabic alphabets, words, Quran verses etc.
Learn Quran Recitation as a Beginner
Once you are able to read Arabic words and sentences, the next step is to learn Quran recitation.
Recitation of the Holy Quran is a unique and beautiful way of reading the Quran which is also called ‘Qirat’ in Arabic. The Holy Quran is not an ordinary book, thus it requires a specific way of reciting its beautiful verses.
- The Qirat involves reciting the Quranic verses in a slow and soothing manner with proper sounds and pronunciation.
- The person who recites the Quranic verses in this manner is called a ‘Qari’ which is a very noble position in Islamic society.
Learn Quran with Tajweed
The art of recitation of the Quran with correct pronunciation and Arabic linguistic rules is known as tajweed.
Correct pronunciation involves how the sounds of the different words are being produced.
- It’s like an advanced form of recitation.
- Its the way of recitation practiced and described by Prophet Muhammad(SAW)
- Tajweed enhances the beauty of recitation of the Holy Quran

Special Features of Online Quran classes for Beginners
If you are looking for the best online Quran classes for beginners, the Aya Institute is an Online Quran School and one of the leading platforms for this purpose on the internet.
Learning the Quran online has its own set of advantages. We have designed the courses in such a way that they provide the best value to users with great learning experience.
1- Best Tutors With Multilingual Background
One of the main advantages of learning online is the opportunity to learn with the best teacher from all over the world.
While offline, you have limited choices. The teachers at Aya Institute belong to multilingual and multicultural backgrounds.
The quality of communication is enhanced greatly if the teacher and student belong to similar language and culture groups.
2- Customized Teaching Plans For Students of All Age Groups
Every student is unique and requires different methods of teaching according to ability and age.
Best online Quran classes for beginners include personalized courses for students to achieve the most optimized learning environment.
Students from different age groups can make their customized learning plans with the tutor’s input according to their time schedule, difficulty level and other deciding factors.
3- Highly Innovative and Interactive Teaching Methods
The teaching methods used in learning the Quran online are very interactive and engaging.
They are not like the typical Madrasah learning sessions where a student is bound to learn by cramming.
- The 1-on-1 classes provide the best experience for an interactive session
- Regular Quizzes designed by professional tutors to gamify the learning experience
- The timely feedback system is a great way to analyze the performance of students over time
- Other related methods to achieve the best results
4- Course Completion Certificates
In today’s world a lot of online education websites like Coursera, and Udemy are providing online courses in different fields of education.
The one common thing in all of the globally recognized platforms is that they provide course certifications upon the completion of course.
At Aya Institute, not only do we provide the best online Quran classes for beginners with amazing features but also the appropriate certifications which can be used professionally to enhance your CV.

What Makes the Aya Institute Stand Out?
You might wonder, what are the best Quran classes online near me? Considering the above mentioned advantages of learning Quran online, best online Quran classes for beginners are offered at the Aya Institute.
Here are some of the most anticipated services related to online Quran education.
1- Free Trial Lessons For Everyone
The best and most effective way to test the quality of a service is to get a free trial.
Native Arabic-speaking teachers at our platform provide the best online Quran classes from Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
The tutors are well proficient in English and can conduct the best online Quran classes for kids either in the USA, UK, or any place in the world.
The free trial classes can be in any language of the user’s choice. Click here to take your trial class.
2- Flexible Timing Schedule
We have both tutors and students registered at our platform. Thus, it’s quite easy to enroll in a class that suits your time schedule. The convenience of students is our top priority.
3- Best Female and Male Tutors From All Over The World
Many adult female students prefer to study under a female tutor. Our female tutors are equally professional and experienced.
Both native Arabic female teachers and non-native teachers are proficient in English. Most of our teaching faculty members are graduates of Al Azhar University, Egypt.
4- Gifts and Bonuses For Good Students
Great students deserve great rewards. At Aya Institute, we proudly reward excellent performing students with gifts and bonuses to encourage and motivate them.
These online gifts can include:
- Online students distinction badges
- Free enrollments in different courses for high performing students
- Other bonus and online prizes
5- Best Customized Fee Plans
We provide the most affordable fee plans for all kinds of students according to their age group, type of courses taken, type of tutors involved, etc.
Our platform offers one of the lowest rates for the best online Quran classes for beginners in order to encourage them to learn Quran online.
Take your first step towards learning the Quran online today: Click here to enroll in the best online Quran classes for beginners.

10 Tips for Learning Quran for Beginners
- For an adult, learning the phonemes of a different language is extremely difficult. As a result, you will need a lot of endurance and determination to succeed. You can become frustrated if, despite your best efforts, you are unable to produce the desired sound. Remind yourself why you are doing this at all moments.
- Many of us believe that if you don’t know how to properly learn the Quran, it is haram. This conviction is not only incorrect but also dangerous, as it prohibits us from learning the Quran. So don’t be afraid to try to recite the Quran, even if you’re not very good at it.
- To practice Makhraj and Sifaat, you don’t need a set time or place. Simply say them whenever they come to mind – while daydreaming, taking a break from work, or watching television.
- Listen to as many Quran recordings as you can. It is best to choose a long, monotonous recitation for beginners. Listen to it and try to replicate it. You’ll notice that you’re enjoying every second of it pretty quickly.
- Learn Quran with Tajweed is essential for any Muslim in the world. It is a great deal in Islam and brings so many benefits to Muslims. The Quran is the sacred book of Allah, the source of guidance and knowledge to the whole of humanity, so we must learn it and recite it properly. When you learn Quran Tajwid, you will be able to read the Quran smoothly, confidently, and without hesitation.
- There are many methods to learn the Quran for beginner kids and adults, It has been proven that online Quran classes are the best way of learning Quran for beginners. The goal of online Quran classes at Aya Institute academy is to help students to become fluent in Quran reading in Arabic and eliminate any struggles in identifying letters and words of Quranic Arabic and their correct pronunciation.
- Learning Quran memorization is a great step on the righteous path seeking Allah’s pleasure and satisfaction. It involves unmatched benefits for Muslims in this life & hereafter. If you are seeking to learn Quran memorization online, Aya Institute has got you covered with a comprehensive online Quran memorization course.
- When you learn a new recitation rule, practice it and master it before moving on to the next rule. If you try to learn so many rules at once, you can become frustrated and feel like giving up. So, take it slowly and steadily.
- Use the Quran in colored letters and survey the decision for every day. Continuously read out loud to fortify your voice and control the right way to express the letters, so perusing the Quran is mandatory with the tone.
- Don’t be afraid to use it in your conversation until you’ve learned how to say it. Don’t be afraid of other people. Don’t be afraid of praise; instead, let it serve as a reminder of Allah’s blessings. Allah has given us the gift of correct pronunciation, and we must use it to please Him.

How Do We Teach Reading the Quran for Beginners in Aya Institute?
The method of teaching the Noble Quran varies according to the age of the students and their abilities.
- If they are children, a teacher should start with Qaida Noorani by spelling the Arabic letters.
- After mastering them, he begins writing the individual words to his students and trained them to read and correct their pronunciation.
- When students master the spelling and reading, a teacher can present the Bismillah and Surat Al-Fatihah and trained them to recite them.
- After that teacher goes ahead with the short surahs until the student masters them and moves on to others.
- A teacher does not miss to allocate time to review previous lessons from time to time.
- Show the collective recitation after the teacher has taught his students the correct method of recitation.
- A teacher can set up competitions among them in which they compete for complete mastery according to the ability of each student.
- The Quran can be taught to adults by reading and repeating, so the teacher reads a part of the verse and then the students repeat it behind him, and this is a guarantee of correcting Recitation for poor reading of students.
Etiquette of Learning Quran for Beginners
The Quran is the fourth and final Holy Book, which was revealed over 23 years to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It stands out from all other books in the world because it was written by the Almighty Allah Himself.
Since Allah is the Creator of these Divine Instructions, their recitation requires the implementation of a great deal of etiquette on our part as Muslims.
- Before treating the Quran, one should have established total purity in terms of clothing and Wudu (Ablution), which is a requirement in all religious behavior.
- Since the Quran has come from Heaven, it is necessary to give proper respect to it by sitting in a clean, respectable, and upright position.
- Because of the elevated status of the Quran, it should be placed on a tidy and clean cushion or other support like wooden Quran rehal. It should not be placed on the floor.
- To display proper respect for the Quran, one should follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and keep it in the right hand.
- One must read Refuge and Bismillah when starts learning the Quran.
- The Quran must be recited with extreme caution in terms of proper pronunciation since Arabic is an immensely complicated language in which even minor errors will cause the true definition of the phrase to be altered. As a result, one should learn Quran with Tajweed to avoid these minor errors.
- Learn the Quran of the Creator of the entire universe slowly to better understand and absorb the true sense of its verses.
- Wherever the Sajdah mark appears during learning the Quran, one must execute Sajdah in front of Allah to obey the privileges of the Quran. Also, when encountering numerous “Stop and Pause Signs” in between the Blessed Verses, one is directed to take sufficient pauses.
- Due to the profound importance of Verses, one should not interrupt learning the Quran by sitting in a silent corner, away from all types of distractions, and avoiding talking to others.
Aya Institute provides Various types of online Quran classes for kids and adults step by step with professional highly Qualified teachers so you Learn Quran online in your home in an easy and simple way. You will Study various courses depending on your level. Beginners should start with Noorani Qaida basics, then Quran Recitation with Tajweed course, Memorization with Tajweed and Tajweed basic course. Best online Quran classes for beginners are available at Aya Institute.