Meet our happy students & parents.

great teacher and perfect to learn with.

Masha Allah very good tutor.Excellent qira’at. May Allah reward you for your efforts!

I have only done one session of Quran recitation and so far he is knowledgeable and very professional.

Our Islam starts with our Adab, and Iklakh. I dont think i could study with someone so special like Mohammed Ezzat.

Very well mannered, constantly praising Allah and and asking Allah to bless you. Very patient and lovely to read to. May Allah preserve him.

had my first session, very patient, good tajweed teacher, look forward for the next lesson.

Excellent Tutor, patient and very clear and very good reciter Ma Sha Allah. In sha Allah more lessons with him.

MashaAllah; great teacher, patient, and understanding teacher; May Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala Reward him immensely. Aameen

A very talented and friendly teacher. Mashallah. My 9 year old son really likes the classes, and eagerly waits for the next class.

I love my teacher, Alhamdulillah. He is kind, firm, thorough, and an expert at discerning even small mistakes in pronunciation but also in guiding to the correct pronunciation.

Very good mahsllah. He is Imam of Masjid at this young age, so tells a lot about him.

Good at making other feels better while learning the Holy Quran.