Category Archives: Learning Arabic Language

Arabic is the sixth most spoken language in the world, with nearly 420 million people speaking it worldwide.

Learning a new language is always a big undertaking, but when the new language doesn’t share a root with your native tongue, it’s even more difficult.

There are many types of Learning Arabic language. It is the mother tongue and official language of nearly 30 countries in the middle east and northern Africa. There are different accents and a variety of local pronunciations. If you’re planning to spend time in one area, you’ll want to choose the variation that pertains to that region.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to learn Arabic language by transcribing words instead of learning the Arabic alphabet first. Think about how we learned English back in school. First, you learn your letters, then you form those letters into words, then you learn how to form sentences, and then you learn more about proper syntax and grammar. Taking shortcuts will only slow you down.