Islamic Studies Course - Aya Institute

Learn Islamic Studies


Being a Muslim, learning about our deen Islam is necessary for our religious and spiritual development.  In the words of our Beloved Prophet (SAW), “Every Muslim man and woman should acquire knowledge”.

Furthermore, the first word of the first revelation of the Quran was also ” Iqra” which means “to recite”.  Hence, Islam has always laid great importance on the seeking of knowledge.

As a matter of fact, We may have born Muslims but we only know very little about our religion.

This course would cover all the aspects from basic subjects like Aqidah and Fiqh to the daily life issues related to marriage, and divorce along with the core lessons of Islam involving Zakat, Hajj, and Islamic history covering the aspects of the life of our Holy Prophet (SAW).


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Learn Islam Online With Aya Institute

The Learn Islamic Studies course is specially designed for adults Muslims and children who want to learn more about their religion.

Aya Institute keeps in mind all the nuances and offers an all-in-one course that’s carefully formulated to cover the wide range of subjects essential for every Muslim to learn.

Each subject has been critically analyzed and divided into several modules from fundamental to advanced based on the knowledge shared in the lectures.  The subjects targeted in this course are mentioned below.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Seeking education is compulsory for every Muslim man and woman”. (Al-Tirmidhi 74) 

Islamic Studies online course is specially designed for all Muslim brothers and sisters to get knowledge about Islam from a beginner to advance level. This course will help you get in-depth knowledge about the Quran, Hadiths, Sunnah, and other Islamic events and practices.

The Islamic Studies course is equally beneficial for adults and children. Through this course, you will learn to become a better and practicing Muslim.

But no need to worry because at Aya Institute, we offer complete Islamic studies course online for you to educate you more about Islam and help you apply it in your daily life. This Islamic studies online course is a great source of knowledge about Islam as a religion.

If you want to understand Islam in a complete and meaningful way, this course is specially designed for you. This course will provide in-depth research about Islamic history and events while also educating you about the other aspects like the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, and pillars of Islam.

The course is for all kinds of Muslim brothers and sisters, beginner or advanced learners. It is structured according to the following three different levels. 

  • Beginner ( Learning about Quran recitation, Basic pillar of Islam, prayers, and Du’a) 
  • Intermediate ( Learning about Quran Tajweed, Islamic History, and famous Hadith and Sunnah) 
  • Advanced ( Learning about Fiqh, Islamic Shariah, Research and Ijtihad) 

Individual Subjects

One thing that makes Aya Institute different from all the other online teaching academies on the internet is its curriculum-based courses designed under the supervision of renowned teachers of the Islamic world. 

  • Aqidah

‘Aqidah’ is an Arabic term that means creed. This subject will cover the essential beliefs necessary to call oneself a Muslim.  This will cover areas including:

  • Tawhid
  • Pillars of Islam
  • Aqidah Khatam-e-Nabuwat or The believe that Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the last Prophet of Allah SWT
  • Belief in angels
  • Belief in all the revelations and Holy Books
  • Belief on the Day of Resurrection
  • And the Belief in the life hereafter
  • Fiqh

The ‘Fiqh’ is the Islamic Law. The Islamic course of Aya Institute offers a deep understanding of the matters of Islamic Law. The syllabus is divided into fundamentals and advanced topics covering the four prominent schools of thought of Fiqh namely Maliki, Hanafi, Shafi, and Hanbali. 

  • Hadith

This section of the course will cover specifically the sayings of our beloved Prophet (SAW). They target the talks, conversations, statements, and communication of the Holy Prophet (SAW). The hadiths of the Holy Prophet (SAW) are the ‘backbone’ of Islamic civilization.  It serves as the fundamental source of religious and moral guidance. It aims to teach the Muslims how our beloved Prophet (SAW) wanted the Muslims to live their lives.

  • Islamic History

The Islamic History module of our Islamic Studies course has been specially designed that fully covers the history of Islam. From its creation, to how Islam was spread in the world, the Golden age of Islam, and the present. This course will pour light on every aspect from big achievements to historical losses, this course enables effective learning for everyone taking this course.

  • Tafseer of Quran

This section of Our Islamic Studies course will provide a deeper understanding of the Holy Quran to anyone taking this course. From understanding the meaning of the verses of the Quran to having an insight into the purpose of the reveal of the specific Surah or verse (Shan e Nuzool), this area will help to master the Tafseer of the Holy Book of Allah SWT.


Islam is not just confined to Shariah law, but it’s a complete way of life. If you learn Islam in its true essence, you can live a happy, prosperous and peaceful life. This will not only benefit you but also the people around you.

Learning Islamic studies will help you understand Islam which you can apply in your daily life. You should take this course for the following two reasons. 

  1. To become a better Muslim yourself. What’s the use of seeking knowledge if you don’t apply it in your daily life? Islam as religion provides humanity with a complete code of conduct.
  2. Once you learn the teachings of Islam and develop your personality according to the teaching of Islam, not only you will succeed in this life but hereafter. 
  3. To become a role model and an ambassador of Islam. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. A lot of non-Muslims get inspired by Muslim preachers who are themselves great role models of Islam. Thus, it is massively important for you to have a great grip on the teachings of Islam so that you can become an ambassador of Islam. 


Islamic studies course is a whole package in itself. It includes learning about the Quran, from its recitation to memorization. Islamic history and life of Prophet Muhammad(SAW), his family, and companions will teach you the greatest lessons necessary to develop life skills.

The knowledge of Sunnah and its importance, Islamic prayers, and supplications will make you a practical Muslim.

Moreover, learning about Islamic jurisprudence(shariah), Hadiths and Fiqh would make you stand out among the ranks of educated Muslims and you will be able to preach and spread Islam through your knowledge and behavior (Ikhlaq). There are five major sections of this Islamic studies course. 

  • Quran: It will include learning Quran recitation, tajweed, memorization, and Tafseer as you proceed from a beginner to advance level
  • Islamic History: This section will cover all the events before and after the arrival of Prophet Muhammad(SAW) till the present day. 
  • Islamic Shariah: It covers the laws and regulations made obligatory by Islam for you to become a practical Muslim
  • Hadith and Sunnah: The knowledge of Hadees and Sunnah enables us to shape our lives according to the will of Allah and his Prophet Muhammad(SAW).
  • Fiqh and Ijtihad: This section covers the work done in Islamic Shariah by the Islamic scholars from different schools of thought, and the research needed to solve modern-day problems in the light of Islamic teachings.


Wondering why should you choose Aya Institute? We not only aim to make Aya Institute the best online learning platform on the internet but our goal is to create future leaders of the Islamic world who have a decent knowledge concerning Islam and the Quran. Some of our salient features are:

1-One-on-One Focused Classes

All the classes at the platform of Aya Institute will be one-on-one focused sessions to provide a better understanding and learning environment.

2-Personalized Curriculum

The curriculum and syllabus of all the courses at our institute have been personalized and customized by renowned teachers to maintain the quality of learning.

3-Highly Qualified Teachers & Scholars From Al-Azhar University

All the teachers and Qaris at Aya Institute are experienced graduates from Al-Azhar University, Egypt, and renowned teachers from all around the world. You can have a look at our teachers here.

4-Female Tutors For Our Islamic Sisters

We understand the need and hence provide on-demand female Quran tutors and lecturers, especially for our Islamic sisters.

FAQs About Learning Islam (Islamic Studies)

What is Islamic Studies??

Islamic studies is a simply the study of islam as a religion and its components. Islam is one of the four Abrahamic religions and the studies involving its history, teachings, etc can be categorized in Islamic studies. Islamic studies involves learning and researching about any religious or secular/scientific topic in a way that agrees to Islamic values and teachings. Quran, Hadees, Fiqh, are a few major subjects of Islamic studies as a course.

How to learn Islam?

Islam is the fastest spreading religion in the world. If you are from a non-Muslim country and want to learn more about Islam, you can always find Quran and other Islamic books from your nearby bookstore. Another way to learn would be to search and study online. You can find the Quran, other Islamic books and tons of other research and study material on the internet. At Aya Institute, we have created an online platform where you can learn Islam with the best of scholars from all around the world and in the most efficient way possible.

What are the importance of Islamic studies?

Islam can be understood and applied in a much better way by learning Islamic studies. Islam as a religion provides a complete moral code. You will succeed in this life and the next if you learn Islam’s teachings and develop your personality accordingly. Many non-Muslims are inspired by Muslim preachers who are great Muslim role models. Thus, it is vital that you understand Islam’s teachings so that you can become an ambassador of Islam.

What is meant by Aqeedah?

Aqeedah is a term used for faith. In Islamic terms, Aqeedah means the set of things a Muslim believes in. Most prominently, Allah is one, Prophet Muhammad(SAW) is the last messenger of Allah, the day of judgement, the existence of Angels, the Holy Books, and the life after death. Muslims believe in a lot of other things as well which can be categorized as Aqeedah.

What are the pillars of Islam?

The 5 Pillars of Islam are the acts in Islam which are obligatory and represents the foundation of a Muslim’s life. There 5 pillars of Islam are: 1-Shahada (Belief in the Oneness of Allah and that Holy Prophet (PBUH) is His Last Prophet. 2-Salah (Prayer) 3-Zakat (Charity) 4-Fasting (Saum) 5-Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

What is Tafsir Quran?

The Quran uses a very profound language. A common man often feels unable to comprehend the true meanings of Ayahs because of no knowledge about the history and timing of the revelations, the purpose, and the Arabic linguistic rules involved. Thus, tafsir Quran is the simple explanatory interpretation of the encrypted words of the Quran that a common man can understand. By reading the Tafsir, a common person can easily understand the true essence and meaning of the Quran.

What is the cost of learning Islam online?

The cost of learning Islam is that you will go to Jannah. When you talk about cost of learning Islamic studies online as a subject, the Online Islam Academy provides the best competitive pricing in the market. 7 to 8 USD per hour.


Recitation with Tajweed

Online Quran classes for adults and Kids to recite the Quran with Tajweed through one-to-one online video sessions.


Hifz with Tajweed

Online Quran memorization along with proper Tajweed rules to become Hafiz/Hafiza of the Quran.


Quran Ijazah

Obtain an Ijazah in Quran recitation or memorization with Tajweed by our certified tutors.


Learn Arabic Language

Learn Arabic language from Zero to hero level and start understanding the Arabic language.


Arabic Reading

Learn to read the Arabic language with the best native Arabic teachers on the internet.


Islamic Studies

Learn everything you need about Islam, Deen, Fiqh, sunnah and Sharia step by step.


Quran for Kids

Learn Quran for Kids in an interactive and engaging way to help children recite and memorize the Quran.


Ten Qira’at

Learn the 10 Qira’at and different ways of Quran recitation with Tajweed rules of each Qirat ( it's an advanced course).


Islamic Supplication (Dua)

Learn Dua’a (Supplication), how to supplicate, etiquette of Dua’a, and more by top Islamic scholars.


Recitation with Tajweed

Online Quran classes for adults and Kids to recite the Quran with Tajweed through one-to-one online video sessions.


Hifz with Tajweed

Online Quran memorization along with proper Tajweed rules to become Hafiz/Hafiza of the Quran.


Quran Ijazah

Obtain an Ijazah in Quran recitation or memorization with Tajweed by our certified tutors.


Learn Arabic Language

Learn Arabic language from Zero to hero level and start understanding the Arabic language.


Arabic Reading

Learn to read the Arabic language with the best native Arabic teachers on the internet.


Islamic Studies

Learn everything you need about Islam, Deen, Fiqh, sunnah and Sharia step by step.


Quran for Kids

Learn Quran for Kids in an interactive and engaging way to help children recite and memorize the Quran.


Ten Qira’at

Learn the 10 Qira’at and different ways of Quran recitation with Tajweed rules of each Qirat ( it's an advanced course).


Islamic Supplication (Dua)

Learn Dua’a (Supplication), how to supplicate, etiquette of Dua’a, and more by top Islamic scholars.